FAQs for Patients

Frequently Ask Questions

You will get all the information regarding availability of doctors, diagnostics, hospitals and all other medical centers. You will be assisted to hospitals anywhere in India and get huge discounts on chemo therapy, radiation, surgeries and all post operative care.

It works on every type of Cancer and it works at every stage of Cancer may it be initial, advanced or terminal. You can save money every time.

Yes, this is the first time in India when a patient can purchase after the Cancer is detected.

OXXY is India's Largest Healthcare Network having its tie ups across the country for providing services at concessional rates to all the national and international patients. Oxxy covers 360° in Healthcare .

Get discounts on your Entire Medical Bill. Anything from Head to Toe, Oxxy covers every disease with No Exclusion. Besides diseases like Cancer, Heart and other body parts, It also takes care of Cosmetic Treatments, Bariatric Surgeries etc

Everyone. All age groups are welcome with/without health insurance or pre-existing diseases. Oxxy works across India.

It works seamlessly on website and through our call centre support. Choose your Medical Centre & book appointment to get discounts.

OXXY gets the comparison and ratings of the best hospitals of the nation for your convenience. By registering and booking through OXXY, the user gets cash back/ discounts on the booked tests/ treatments.

OXXY has sourced most hospitals in India which cater to domestic & international patients. The standard of service of these hospitals may be checked on the personal website of these hospitals.

OXXY will try to source discounts/cash back exclusive for you on the pre registered tests. You can write us to at info@oxxy.in with all your requirements and we will guide you accordingly.

Oxxy gets the best discounts available in the health centres for the customer's convenience. We bring the daily routine tests, health packages, specialized tests, as well as super specialised tests at affordable discounted rates. Oxxy does almost everything in the field of Healthcare and the details may be checked on the website.

Oxxy gives its customer discounts on the available tests at the centres which are empaneled with Oxxy. However, the tie up with the Health Center may keep changing with time which could effect the discounts.

Discounts on all Tests, Treatment and Surgeries.

Cloud upload of Medical Records for Quick Referral, Provides Nurses & Doctors at Home, Free Ambulance, Vaccinations, Home Collection of Tests etc.

Yes, everything is covered, From Head to Toe.

Members can Use it unlimited times.

Check for the empanelled Medical Centre near you. Oxxy has more than 2,00,000 Hospitals, Diagnostics and Pathology Labs in our network.

12 Months from the date of purchase

No Documents are Required. The Plan is Activated within 15 days once you buy.

OXXY has empanelled most medical service providers of the country under one search button for the customer convenience. You have to decide what suits you best. For any further queries feel free to write into info@oxxy.in.

OXXY gives an advantage to all the international users to get cash back on all there tests booked through OXXY.

Oxxy offers various Health Plans to suit everyone, without any age limit. You simply get up to 40% off on Medical Bills at the Medical Centre of your choice.

Oxxy has variety of plans keeping in mind all age groups, Pre-existing disease, activation time etc. Please go through the plan features in details to choose the appropriate plans that best suits you and your family needs.

Just Google and see for yourself about Oxxy's achievements. You can also go through various articles written in the media about Oxxy.

OXXY can take extra initiative for you and your health. We as a team can provide you best treatment + tourism as per your budget and requirement. You can mail us at info@oxxy.in for any further assistance.

We have all the ratings of hospitals empaneled with us along with customer review for your easy cross check and verification.

All these accreditations are available on the landing page of the health center plus you can always visit their website to get the feel of their functioning and accreditations.

OXXY has sourced most hospitals for the international and national patients. These hospitals may be accredited by GOI and running a valid license for their practice in India. However the user is adviced to check the details with the health center directly.

No, Oxxy does not charge anything extra from its Members. You only need to pay a discounted rate of the selected Test, Treatment or Surgery through OXXY.

Oxxy has more than 2,00,000 Hospitals, Diagnostic, Pathology etc health centres across India. It has the largest number of health centres empaneled for providing services at a discounted rate throughout the country Oxxy is available in every Indian city.

Oxxy works as a service provider between the user and the health centres. As a matter of policy Oxxy does not procure any reports of its customers from the healthcenter. The trustworthyness of the reports can not be guaranteed. However, with customer's feedback, we may discontinue to list the sub-standard centers.

Oxxy is Trust. Oxxy makes efforts that the customers gets hassle free services. If not, then we refer you to an alternate center.

A discount code is a unique code which is generated by our system whenever a customer books a medical test. The code is emailed/messaged to the customer and the healthcenter simultaneously. The customer has to show his/her code at the healthcenter to avail the treatment/test at a discounted rate.

Just produce the code received to the healthcare service provider before getting the test done.

The discount code shall be generated for you at the time of booking through Oxxy and activated when you pay at the center while billing. The health center shall be informed of the code BEFORE taking the test. In some cases where instant discount facility is not available, Oxxy may arrange for a cash-back.

One code is valid for single visit only, however you can book again through Oxxy website or call center and generate more codes. Once you become a member, it is totally free to generate codes.

You may generate multiple codes.

Please generate codes for each center separately. You may use the facility again and again. Its totally free for members.

You can redeem the discounted code within 7 days or before the health centres revise their prices (whichever is earlier).

One discounted code can be used by a single person and single test only. The user is adviced to generate multiple codes for multiple tests.

You can login to your account through your username and password on www.oxxy.in and request for a duplicate SMS for the discounted Code. For any further assistance you can call our customer care team available for your convenience at 9999-000-102

You can log in and generate another code. You may also call our customer care at 9999000102

Either through the website, app or by calling 9999000102.

You can simply call our customer care service team at 9999000102

Yes. As long as they are members too.

You can manage your account through the username and password provided. Just look in to the history option where you can see all the past medical tests booked through OXXY.

Please contact the healthcare service Provider directly for your tests reports. Oxxy does not take any test reports.

Kindly consult the health service providers for more clarity and transparency in the reports. Oxxy does not take any reports from the health center and has nothing to do with the accuracy of the reports.

OXXY is the India's Largest Healthcare provider. We have the maximum number of empaneled health centres in our database. All the healthcare service providers empaneled with OXXY accepts the discounted Code produced through OXXY Bookings. If not, then Oxxy will be pleased to suggest an alternate center.

OXXY only empanels health centers across India. It can not guarantee the quality of service and accuracy of reports.

Yes anywhere in India where Oxxy has empaneled health centers.

You can use Oxxy ratings for accredited labs. Also read customer reviews for respective labs before choosing. However neither Oxxy solicits nor it takes guarantee of the accuracy of test results.

OXXY is the India's Largest Healthcare Service Provider. Our main motive is to provide health services at discounted rates to all its users. The ratings are based on information obtained and may not be accurate.

You can login to your account and see the reviews given through different users for the best discounted health services across India.

Just click on a lab and you will be able to see all the user ratings for that particular lab.

Please click on subscribe/unsubscribe to submit your request. You may call 9999000102 to do the same.

Just click on Forgot Username/password and follow the simple steps to regain your information.

Please call the customer care number or lodge an enquiry in the enquiry form. Oxxy will try its best to include the same in your next visit.

Oxxy makes its efforts to interact with empaneled healthcare service provider for quality if any complaint is received in writing by Oxxy user.

Oxxy aims to bring transparent healthcare for all. Displaying medical rates online, is the key to transparent Healthcare. Oxxy is working towards the same.

Oxxy tries to get you best prices possible in Healthcare with added advantages making healthcare affordable and convenient.

Once Oxxy detects the location of its customer, it tries to help them by showing the centers near the customer. If the customer feels that there is a center missing in Oxxy data base, pls inform Oxxy at 9999000102 and all the efforts will be made to empanel that center.

For easy convenience for patients or people who are cautious about their health, we bring to you Medical Tests at Home. Samples will be collected from home and then processed at labs.

Most Health Centers provide Online Reports. Customer is adviced to interact with the health center directly and obtain their results as Oxxy does not procure any reports of the patients/customer from the health center.

Oxxy is present in each and every city of India. Anyone can call us at 9999000102 anytime for easy convenience and affordability. However if due to any reason Oxxy does not have any empaneled center in your city, it will try to empanel in that city at the earliest.

Oxxy brings to you the medical centers around you with affordable price and quality. All prices can be easily accessed thru Oxxy website or through the call center.

Oxxy aims to reduce medical expenditure. For discounts, please enroll as Oxxy Premium Member. For further details please Contact our Customer Support: 9999000102

Oxxy aims to provide transparency & awareness in healthcare and thus brings along lots of extra benefit deals for corporates & their employees. Please contact our customer support for more details: 9999000102

This is special facility given to some prestigious corporates/organizations in the country. Kindly mail us at info@oxxy.in for more details regarding the same.

For deeper discounts and extra benefits, please enrol for Oxxy Health Membership either on the website or call 9999000102

Please use our website, to find the exact list

Please see the empanelment list to find the exact locations of all the big hospitals nearby

Do you find Insurance more complex, you or anyone in your family has pre existing diseases? You dont want to follow up insurance company for your claims, then Oxxy is the right platform for you. Get Instant Discounts on All your Medical Treatment without any pre medical tests or terms and conditions.

If Oxxy is not able to give discounts for any tests, the Health Plan is refundable with in 7 days of purchase.

Oxxy works as your virtual receptionist. Oxxy helps in instantly increasing footfalls to the Health Centre through its website/ call center and through our different marketing and branding strategies. Also our discount policy to customers ensures him to be diverted at your Health Centre.

Oxxy, aims in providing transparency and affordability for all. Getting added to the OXXY network gives you a better platform to get attached to your target segment with trust and confidence.

Please go to 'Connect with Oxxy' and fill the form available, our service care representative will contact you within 24 working hours. Alternatively you may call 9999000102 for empanelment.

Please call 9999-000-102 or mail your details on info@oxxy.in & our advertising team will assist you shortly.

Oxxy has been servicing patients since 2013 and have helped more than 1 crore patients.

Oxxy Health Plan is a plan for everyone. No Age Limit. Valid on all Pre-Existing Diseases.

The NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) Accredited Labs performs their work in accordance with international criteria for technical competence. The NABL accreditation is a formal recognition of the technical competence and quality standards implemented in the laboratory.

Government of India accredited medical centers.

All information within Online Banking uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol for transferring data. SSL is encryption that creates a secure environment for the information being transferred between your browser and your bank so no third person can actually see your information and neither is it saved anywhere.

Yes, Through Internet banking the user is directly linked with his/her bank and all the transactions are secure and carried out through the bank server. Oxxy is not involved in the transactions directly.

Your transaction is directly linked between your bank and Payment Gateway. The Payment Gateway ensures safety of your Money

Just Log in to your account and give the feedback for the services availed at any Health Centre. Your feedback will be shown in sometime after permission through the Admin to avoid any **** statements.

Please click contact for more info or call 9999000102
