Health Plan for Heart Patients | Get Oxxy Cardiac Health Plan

Oxxy's Cardiac Health Plan

Oxxy's plan offers comprehensive cardiac support:

  • Regular Check-ups
  • Risk Assessment
  • Lifestyle Guidance
  • Emergency Response
  • Oxxy health plan works on all Tests, Treatments & Surgeries related to Heart & Cardiac issues.
With Oxxy, you can proactively address cardiac issues, reduce risks, and enjoy a heart-healthy life. Get quick admission in Hospitals when needed. Your well-being is our priority.

What’s covered

Heart & Cardiac Features

Who Should Buy

Based on Age, Habits & History
Heart Cardiac Plan

Suffering from Heart Issues

Heart Cardiac Plan

Age Over 25 yrs

Heart Cardiac Plan


Heart Cardiac Plan

Suffered from Covid in the Past

Heart Cardiac Plan

Consume Alcohol

Heart Cardiac Plan

Family History of Heart Problems
